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Can I make my own?

Yes! Mutas are an open species- while there is a planned game including them, anyone is free to make their own. Drawing a Muta not registered will not give a user rewards, however they may be designed with any markings. There are very few rules, as their body makeup is very fluid.

Design rules:

  • Their face should be somewhat blunt and thin, with a large bridge on their muzzle, forward-facing eyes, ears that rest back towards the skull, and a mane of hair along at least the back of their neck. They have no nose pad, instead having nostril slits. Their skulls are like thicker dromaeosauridae or straighter Bull Terrier skulls. Teeth are mostly canine-like with thicker molars and flat teeth behind the canines to allow for omnivorous eating.
  • All of their feet have four bendable digits and one thumb. They walk on the palms of their hands with their fingers crimped to have the tips on the ground, with dexterity slightly lower than a human’s but still capable of minute tasks. Their back legs are digitigrade and pressure is placed on the forefoot.
  • Their mouths are canine-like, commonly with a thick lizard-like tongue with a minimal split at the tip. There are two orifices in the roof of their mouth that connect to an organ that generates a uniquely colored essence.
  • They have one general hue to their coat with varying shades or a natural color with a singular accent hue. Magical markings must share their colors with their essence.
  • They can easily stand and ambulate in both bipedal and quadrupedal stances. Their skeletal structure is adjacent to humans, with thick shoulder blades that rest between the sides and back of the ribcage. Most Mutas have a large sternum and musculature that supports an additional limb on the upper back, whether one is present or not. They’re very flexible to support all available methods of movement.

Mutas, including registered ones, may be used in other ARPGs as alternate forms or companions. However, designs of them should not be sold for USD.

If a copyrighted concept is being used in an art piece (such as species like Na’vi from Avatar or clear locations like Hyrule from LoZ) or a submission is adult in nature, it may not be used for activities in the game. It may still be used for personal purposes.


Mutas are extremely close to humans biologically, just distant enough to be unable to produce hybrids. However, most genetic markers are shared, with the same digestive system and hormones making up their bodies. A Muta can often accept parts from humans (and most Earth species) but they often can’t donate in turn, as the essence may kill the transplant receiver. Mutas are receptive to some alien species organs as well, as their bodies are accustomed to adapting foreign objects for their own use.

With their penchant for mutation, Mutas have a small chance to develop parts that exist in other Earth animals without grafting, such as niche organs like electroreceptors or pigment pits. They adapt to their surroundings, so it’s not uncommon to see a large number of gilled Mutas in established beach towns, for example. Extensive prenatal genetic modification is uncommon to prevent unintended mutations. Post-natal, however, is rather common with essence-assisted surgeries. Most foreign organs that aren’t natively human or Muta are typically enchanted with the receiver’s essence to ensure proper integration into the body. This includes lab-grown organs, the most common source of graft material.

Anatomically humans remain as the major reference, albeit with a canine influence on their skeletal structure. Their back legs are slightly longer than their front, but they’re often bent when they’re quadrupedal to keep them level. This causes a large bob to the back half of their topline. Standing, their torso is somewhat elongated, with their top paws resting at their hips. Their shoulders do not rotate as far to the sides as humans’. They still have a large range of mobility, as they have a thinner torso to reach across in exchange for not being able to reach behind them as well as humans. Quadrupedally, Mutas that often stay on two legs may have a wide stance from naturally keeping their shoulders wider-set, with the reverse common as well. A healthy Muta exercises with both movement styles.

Twins are common. A litter may go up to four or more. Sex determination is still determined by genetics; it’s unique chromosomally, however. Instead of requiring an X gene, male and female are individual chromosomes, with the XY equivalent creating functional intersex characteristics. Secondary characteristics do not exist. While they don’t typically have breast tissue at their chest, it’s not uncommon for Mutas raised with human beauty standards to have plastic surgery or simply mutate them into existence.

Most cultures cover their bodies similar to humans due to norms. Nothing insensitive is visible by default.

Magic System

Magic is a misnomer- while Mutas may natively learn any magic from any universe they inhabit, they will always have the essence that they create. By utilizing regenerating shards of crystals stored on the underside of their brain, Mutas may thread essence between atoms and manipulate matter through shedding or intentionally splintering these shards into fine dust. Telekinesis, temperature, and pressure manipulation come naturally to them.

Essence can usually be easily traced in an identifying signature or thumbprint. It can be bound in place for sigils, influence the environment, enchant objects, but it will always be tied to those who create it. Universes Mutas inhabit may have an unaligned essence that is brought there by their presence. It follows many rules of dark matter- by filling in gaps, abundance of it may influence reality greatly through gravity, pressure, and an overwhelming sense of presence.

Much of Muta-created religion typically attributes essence to their souls. The organ that generates it sits against the spinal cord in the skull, coalescing into a solid, crystalline collection of essence and calcium known as a soulstone. This acts as the level of mana available to them, as expending or removing the soulstone causes it to regenerate slowly and restrict essence generation and manipulation until they’ve recovered.

Other universes’ magic is highly influential to Mutas. They’re typically overly sensitive to it and prone to physically mutating from it, for better or worse. Their DNA makeup is very fluid, with a high margin for change allowing them to adapt to extreme situations. A particularly magical universe can leave permanent changes on Mutas inhabiting it.

Areas with natural essence may see it coalesce into crystals that affix themselves to matter, inside and out. Stationary matter is preferred, and it’s harder for shards to generate in windy areas, well-traversed or constantly disturbed paths, and places with continually running water. However, it will absolutely appear on organic compounds such as trees, potentially killing or mutating them. Highly concentrated areas are common around traversable comets, large settlements with Mutas, and leylines in various universes.

It is possible for other species to mutate an organ somewhere on the body to house essence. Without it, they can’t manipulate it, though it’s possible to force one of these organs to be made by subjecting a being to a high concentration or prolonged exposure to it. It must have a way of being vented out, or the soulstone can grow too large and cause complications. An excessively large soulstone is a common concern for older Mutas.

Universe Traversal

While Mutas may exist in isolated universes, many of the ones they inhabit house massive crystals of pure essence. These crystals- dubbed comets for the teardrop, wind-blown shape they often form in and visible trails they leave behind- manifest in a universe upon its creation. Some land on planets after civilization has formed, while others may be buried in the land or floating in space, all markers and spreaders of essence. They’re more often than not found on planets that can support life.

In all forms, comets are used for interdimensional travel, as all are tied to each other. Any being or object that houses a unique essence, created by themselves or not, may pass through the comets and travel along the trails left through a midway dimension with nothing but mirroring comets within. The laws of gravity, physics, and even atmosphere are paradoxical: all organic life is capable of breathing and existing safely within, no matter what their original worlds’ atmospheres may be. It’s possible to build civilization or be stranded within, and many large cities that are built around comets will create markers along the mirrors to indicate which comet leads to where. It’s not common for comets in essence deprived worlds to have these, however, as all material must be enchanted before being brought into the void.

Pathways between comets are common and fluid. While much of the space between dimensions is void, it’s dotted with stars of comets and thin axons connecting them all, individual comets used as crossroads to connect in a nervous system of universes.

Communication between universes depends on shards of the comets. These shards send essence signals akin to an electronic connection, albeit one that cuts through dimensions rather than physical space. These pulses work similarly to distant nerves sending signals to a far-away brain, so it’s not uncommon to have electronic machines that run off of shards housed within to be developed in highly advanced societies.

Mukios & Andoltia

Many of the universes’ comets are linked to variations of Mukios, dimensions with a planet by the name of Andoltia. Andoltia is similar to Earth and is commonly considered the homeworlds of Mutas. Much of Earth’s wildlife is usually mirrored on Andoltia; evolution has more or less followed the same pathways before the introduction of Mutas into the ecosystem, with them filling the niche of humans and creating civilization.

Notable variations of Mukios exist, such as universes with unique properties in physics such as inhabitants with verifiable souls and realms of death or apocalyptic scenarios with completely destroyed planets and wastelands. Infinite comets means infinite possibilities. Whatever is possible exists, no matter how out of the box or how unlikely it seems.

Humans in essence-laden universes will often start to bear qualities of that universe. In most variations of Mukios, humans are easily malleable, often readily taking on features of creatures naturally or mythologically from Earth- this can present in ‘tauric (like centaurs, mermaids, and nagas) or satyric (like satyrs and harpies) configurations, anthropomorphic fursonas, simple one or two attributes (such a catgirls and -boys), or any combination of ways. Most children take after their parents and develop further the more time they spend developing in Mukios. At the base, their anatomy is still human; appearances and mutations may change, but they’re still usually genetically compatible and have normal human children when in different universes.